The Kartasura Dynasty
state of Surakarta (Kasunanan Surakarta Adi-ning Ratta)
is the principal successor state to the central Javanese
Empire of Mataram. The Royal house claims descent from
the rulers of the earlier Mahajapat Empire. The fortunes
of the family were established by Bagus Kachung, who
became Panembahan of Mataram in 1558. During the late
sixteenth century, and still in the Hindu age, his
successors extended their rule over most of Java and the
island of Madura. The title of Susuhanan ('he to whom
homage is paid') was assumed by the ruler in 1625, a
title conferring a sacred status on the holder. Islam was
adopted during the middle of the seventeenth century, but
it was many years before it took a full hold over the
people. The Empire was administered along highly
decentralised lines, with local regents and princely
families controlling large territories.
However, the empire was comparatively short lived. The
increasing power of the Dutch resulted in the cession of
large territories. Sumenap and Pamekasan were offered for
"protection" to the VOC in 1705. Madura and a
part of the north east coast in 1743. The pasisir
went in 1746 and finally the mancanagara in 1830.
After the death of the Susuhanan Sri Paku Buwana II in
1749, a long drawn out succession dispute ensued. Prince
Mangku Bumi refused to accept the succession of Sri Paku
Buwana III, gained certain territories and attempted to
seize power. After six years of War had resulted in a
stalemate, with Mankubumi in control of the South West.
The Susuhanan retained control of the North and East,
with Dutch military and political support. The latter
tired of the expense and drain on resources, they decided
to divide the empire into two new states, Surakarta under
the Susuhanan and a new Sultanate of Yogyakarta under
Mankubumi. The division was formally inaugurated on 13th
February 1755, but it took another seventy-five years to
settle the border between the states. In 1757, another
rebellion, this time led by Mas Said, resulted in a
further division of territory. The Viceroyalty of
Mankunagaran came into being in 1757, ostensibly under
the overall sovereignty of Surakarta but actually a
semi-independent principality, controlling 50% of the
Susuhanan's former territory.
Java erupted into civil war immediately after the
Japanese surrender to the allies in 1945. A republican
independence movement seized power in several cities and
towns and implemented a new system of government.
Surakarta, unlike Yogyakarta, was "abolished"
as an administrative unit in 1946. However, the Susuhanan
continued to function as a social, cultural and religious
leader, with the full recognition of the state.
Following the death of Susuhanan Prabhu Sri Paku Buwana XII in 2004,
the succession was disputed between his eldest son and genealogically more senior claimant,
Prince Ngabehi, and his younger half-brother Tejawulan. Both princes were installed by their
rival supporters under the same title of Sri Paku Buwana
XIII. After almost an eight year struggle, an amicable reconciliation agreement was finally concluded in May 2012 and ratified at the National Parliament, in which Prince Ngabehi was recognised as the rightful Susuhanan.
The ruling prince: Sampeyan Dalam ingkang Sinuhun Kanjeng
Susuhanan Prabhu Sri Paku Buwana XII Senapati ing Alaga
Ngah 'Abdu'l-Rahman Saiyid ud-din Panatagama, Susuhanan
of Surakarta, with the style of His Princely Highness.
The Royal consort of the Susuhanan (the padmi): Gusti
Kanjeng Ratu (personal title), ranked as follows:
1. Ratu Kilen (Queen of the West).
2. Ratu Wetan (Queen of the East).
The junior wives (selir) of the Susuhanan: Kanjeng
Bandara Radin Ayu (personal title).
Ranks of junior wives:
1. Bandara Radin Ayu.
2. Radin Ayu.
3. Radin.
4. Mas Ayu.
5. Mas Ajeng.
6. Mbok Ajeng.
The Heir Apparent: Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Anum
Amangku Negara Sudibya Rajaputra Narendra ing Mataram.
The other sons of the Susuhanan, by the Royal consort:
Radin Mas Gusti (personal name). They usually also
receive princedoms on reaching their majority, being
styled thereafter Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran (personal
title). The major titles according to order of
precedence, after the Heir Apparent were as follows:
1. Mangku Bumi.
2. Bumi Nata.
3. Purbaya or Purubaya.
4. Puger.
The sons of the Susuhanan, by junior wives: Bandara Radin
Mas (personal name). They usually also receive
princedoms on reaching their majority, being styled
thereafter Bandara Kanjeng Pangeran (personal title).
The grandsons of the ruling prince, in the male line:
Bandara Radin Mas (personal name).
The great grandsons and other male descendants of a
Susuhanan, in the male line: Radin Mas (personal name).
The daughters of the Susuhanan by the Royal
consort, before marriage: Gusti Radin Ajeng (personal
name), before marriage. The senior daughters usually
also receive high titles on reaching their majority,
being styled thereafter Gusti Kanjeng Ratu (personal
title), according to the following order of
1. Sekar-Kedhaton.
2. Pembayun.
3. Maduratna.
4. Bandara.
5. Angger.
6. Timur.
The remaining Royal daughters being styled Gusti Radin
Ayu (husband's personal title or name).
The daughters of the Susuhanan by junior wives, before
marriage: Bandara Radin Ajeng (personal name).
The daughters of the Susuhanan by junior wives, after
marriage: Bandara Radin Ayu (personal title or family
name of husband). The senior such daughter being
entitled to the title of Ratu Alit, the only Ratu title
allowed to daughters of junior wives.
The grand daughters and other female descendants of a
Susuhanan, in the male line, before marriage: Radin Ajeng
(personal name).
The grand daughters and other female descendants of a
Susuhanan, in the male line, after marriage: Radin Ayu (personal
title or family name of husband).
The original requirements were that the successor of a
Sultan was 1) descended from the House of Mataram, 2)
approval by the regulator of the succession, 3) approval
of the father, 4) without physical defects and 5) enjoy
the favour of the people. To this the Dutch added
legitimate descent as a further requirement.
Please see link below.
See under Indonesia main page.
Nancy K Florida, Javanese Literature in Surakarta
Manuscripts, Volume I. SEAP, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, New
York, 1993.
Dr H.J. de Graaf, De Regering van Panembahan S�napati
Ingalaga, Verhandelingen van het Koninglijk Instituut
voor taal-, land- en volkenkunde, Volume XIII. The Hague,
Dr H.J. de Graaf, De Regering van Sultan Agung, Vorst van
Mataram 1613-1645, en die van zijn Voorganger Panembahan
S�da-ing-Krapjak 1601-1613, Verhandelingen van het
Koninglijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde,
Volume XXIII. The Hague, 1958.
W.G.J. Remmelink, Emperor Pakubuwana II, Priyayi &
Company and the Chinese War. Leiden, 1990.
M.C. Ricklefs, Jogjakarta under Sultan Mankubumi
1749-1792: A History of the Division of Java. Oxford
University Press, London, 1974.
M.C. Ricklefs, The Seen and Unseen Worlds in Java,
1726-1749. History, Literature and Islam in the Court of
Pakubuwana II. Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, NSW,
Australia, 1998.
M.C. Ricklefs, War, Culture and Economy in Java,
1677-1726: Asian and European Imperialism in the early
Kartasura period. Asian Studies association of Australia,
Sydney, 1993.
Bram Setiadai, Qomarul Hadi, and D.S. Tri Handayani, Raja
di Alam Republik: Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta dan Paku
Buwono XII. Pt. Bina Rena Pariwara, Jakarta, 2000.
Darsiti Soeratman, Kehidupan Dunia Keraton Surakarta
1830-1939. Seri Pustaka Keraton Nusantara 4. Yayasan
Untuk Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Juni 2000.
Heather Sutherland. Notes on Java's Regent Families,
Indonesia, Cornell Modern Indonesia Project, 1974.
Aart van Beek, Life in the Javanese Kraton. Oxford
University Press, Singapore, 1990.
J.W. Winter, "Beknopte Beschrijving van het Hof
Soerakarta in 1824", Bijdragen tot de Taal-,
Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië, Zesde
Volgreeks - Tiende Deel. Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-,
Land- en Volkenkunde, The Hague, 1902. pp. 15-172.
Benedictus Artiano.
Raden Adjeng Ina Surya Putranti Suryaningalaga.
D. Tick, Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-Kerajaan di Indonesia
Copyright@ Christopher Buyers
Copyright@ Christopher Buyers, October 2001 - October 2012