Malacca conquered the Pahang form a Siamese local ruler during the early fifteenth century. The country was initially placed under the rule of the Bendahara family, but was later erected into a tributary Sultanate in the person of Muhammad Shah I. The eldest son and heir apparent of Sultan Mansur Shah I of Malacca, he had been disinherited after committing murder. His Johor dynasty ruled the state until a series of onslaughts from Aceh during the early seventeenth century. Johor eventually annexed the state outright during the reign of a cruel and despotic Sultan. History does not record his name, only his misdeeds.
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
The modern Royal house of Pahang is also an offshoot of the Royal house of Johor, but of the second, or Bendahara dynasty. They are descended from one Sayyid 'Aidarus of Aceh in Sumatra, originally from the Hadramaut in Southern Arabia (see Johor). His descendants eventually came to rule over four states, Johor, Trengganu and Pahang, in Malaysia, and Lingga, in Indonesia. The family held the ancient Johor title of Bendahara. The area around Pahang formed a part of the hereditary domains attached to this title and administered directly by the Bendahara. The weakening of the Johor sultanate and the disputed succession to the sultanate was matched by an increasing independence of the great territorial magnates. In 1853, Tun Muhammad Tahir, renounced his allegiance to the Sultan of Johor and became independent ruler of Pahang. His brother Ahmad had disputed his succession to the Bendahara title for many years. Ahmad, successfully conquered Pahang and expelled his brother in 1863. He assumed the title of Sultan in 1884, seven years after the death of the last Sultan of the old Johor Royal House.
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
The ruling prince: KeBawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan dan Yang di-Pertuan Negara Pahang Dar ul-Makmur, i.e. Sultan and Head of State of Pahang, with the style of
His Royal Highness
The Royal consort of the ruling prince: Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tengku Ampuan, with the style of
His Royal Highness
The Heir Apparent: KeBawah Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Tengku Mahkota Pahang Dar ul-Makmur, i.e. the Crown Prince of Pahang, with the style of
His Highness
The Royal consort of the Heir Apparent: KeBawah Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Tengku Ampuan Mahkota Pahang Dar ul-Makmur, i.e. the Crown Princess of Pahang, with the style of
Her Highness
The junior Royal consort of the Heir Apparent: KeBawah Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Tengku Puan Pahang Dar ul-Makmur, i.e. the Tengku Puan of Pahang, with the style of
Her Highness
The non-Royal consort of the Heir Apparent: Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Che' Puan Bendahara.
The Heir Presumptive: Yang Amat Mulia Tengku Muda Pahang Dar ul-Makmur, i.e. the Tengku Muda of Pahang, with the style of
His Highness
The Royal consort of the Heir Presumptive: Yang Amat Mulia Tengku Puan Muda Pahang Dar ul-Makmur, i.e. the Tengku Puan Muda of Pahang, with the style of
Her Highness
The non-Royal consort of the Heir Presumptive: Yang Amat Mulia Che' Puan Muda Pahang Dar ul-Makmur, i.e. the Che' Puan Muda of Pahang, with the style of
Her Highness
The Regent: Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Pemangku Raja Pahang Dar ul-Makmur, i.e. the Prince Regent of Pahang, with the style of
His Highness
Other male members of the Royal family, descended in the male line: Yang Mulia Tengku (
personal name
) bin (
father's title and name
Other female members of the Royal family, descended in the male line: Yang Mulia Tengku (
personal name
) binti (
father's title and name
The junior wives of the ruling prince, the Heir Apparent and other princes: Yang Mulia Che' (
personal name
) binti (
father's title and name
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
Male primogeniture amongst the descendants of H.H. Paduka Sri Baginda Sultan Sir Ahmad al-Mu'azzam Shah ibni al-Marhum Bendahara Sri Maharaja Tun 'Ali.
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
See separate link below.
Haji Buyong bin Adil. Siri Sejarah Nusantara Sejarah Pahang, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur, 1972.
A. Samad Ahmad, Serangkai Warisan Sejarah. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 1989.
Daulat. Jabatan Pusat Sejarah Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Sukan Badar Seri Begawan, 1992.
M.A. Fawzi Basri. Warisah Sejarah Johor, Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 1983.
C.A. Gibson-Hall. "On the alleged death of Sultan Ala' ud-din of Johore at Acheh in 1613",
Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society
, Volume XXIX, Part 1, 1956.
Prof. P.E. de Josselin de Jong, Who's Who in the Malay Annals,
Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society
, Volume XXXIV, Part 2, 1961.
The Leaders of Malaya and Who's Who 1957-1958, J. Victor Morais, Kuala Lumpur, 1958.
W. Linehan. "A History of Pahang",
Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society
, Volume XIV, Part 2, 1936.
The Leaders of Malaya and Who's Who 1957-1958, J. Victor Morais, Kuala Lumpur, 1958.
Salasilah Keturunan Kerabat Kerabat Diraja egeri Pahang, Pahang Properties Snd. Bhd., Kuantan (no date, ca. May 1975).
António Vasconcelos de Saldanha. Iustum Imperium. Dos Tratados como Fundamento do Impérios dos Portugueses no Oriente, Macau, Fundação Oriente/Instituto Português do Oriente, 1997.
Who's Who in Malaysia and guide to Singapore, J. Victor Morais, Kuala Lumpur, 1967-1978.
R.O. Winstedt. "A History of Johor (1365-1895)",
Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society
, Volume X, Part 3, 1932.
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
Y.M. Tengku Eliza binti Tengku Ibrahim.
Jeffrey Finestone.
Dr. Annabel Gallop.
Kartina Paris.
Y.M. Tengku Raihanah binti Tengku Ismail al-Haj.
Wan Norzehan Wahid.
Y.M Ungku Shaharudzaman Shah bin Ungku Nazaruddin.
David Williamson.
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
Copyright© Christopher Buyers
I would be grateful to hear from anyone who may have changes, corrections or additions to contribute. If you do, please be kind enough to send me an e-mail using the contact details at:
opyright© Christopher Buyers
Copyright©Christopher Buyers, November 2000 - May 2014